Good managers must be fired because they are afraid of hiring excellent employees.
Only excellent managers are not afraid of competition from their subordinates.
The excellence in management means the ability to influence both intellect and emotions.
Management Formula for Win-Win Interactions
Al Petrovski, BAS, MBA,
First of all, I would like to ask you a rhetorical question. Should we call management science or art, or both?
Since there is a formula for creating win-win interactions, we can start with the assumption that it is science.
People can exchange three kinds of resources: material, informational and emotional.
The following equation represents an ideal win-win interaction when everyone receives the equal amount of resources:
MR a + IR a + ER a = MR b + IR b + ER b, where
MR – material resources, IR – informational resources, ER – emotional resources
Interactions can also be win-lose, lose-win and lose-lose. For example, person A receives 10 units of MR and IR from person B but person B only gets 8 units of MR and IR in exchange. Obviously this is not exactly a win-win situation because now A has more MR and IR than B (MR a + IR a ≠ MR b + IR b). When only limited resources (material and informational) are exchanged, it is difficult to achieve equality.
On the other hand, ER (emotional resources) can be created out of thin air. If A has good semi-professional acting skills, A can create two or even more units of ER and provide them to B. B will feel that the whole situation is a win-win exchange of the resources. This is the end of the scientific part of management.
Now we will move into the realm of the artistic part of management. How can you create emotional resources? With the help of your very own individual instruments of communication such as the sound of your voice, facial expressions, body movements, postures, etc.
You start creating the win-win situation (friendly and trusting atmosphere) with your artistic skills. It is equally important what (content) you say, how (form) you say it, where (place) and when (timing).
The answers to what (content), when (timing) and where (place) can be fairly easily found in books, on the internet, by attending lectures, seminars, etc. It is much more difficult to develop personal skills (behavioural flexibility and sensory experience) – qualities of semi-professional actors.
Our behavioural flexibility and sensory experience are products of our muscle memory and psycho-physiology. Any sound or body movement is a sequence of muscle constrictions. By repeating new sequences of muscle constrictions many times we enrich our muscle memory. It takes time and effort to enrich our muscle memory and achieve better behavioural flexibility.
If you use outdated learning methods, it can take substantially longer for you to develop better acting and voice production skills. The outdated methods are slow and inefficient mostly because they are not suitable for self-learning and self-control.
My method allows you to become your own instructor and develop your skills faster because it is suitable for self-learning and includes all necessary acting, voice production and NLP modeling techniques. YouTube provides plenty of role models. Camcorders help you receive the feedback so you can see, hear and compare yourself with the video recordings of your role models and the internet is your source of knowledge.
Of course, I can share my knowledge and skills with those of you who do not wish to waste years on selecting the most efficient acting, voice production and NLP techniques.
If you are interested in participating in my seminars and reality trainings, please contact my representatives or register on-line at right now.
The cost of the seminars and trainings depends on the number of participants. It is always reasonably priced.